
sleepy puppy

While I have been up late at night fighting these terrible spring allergies (sneeze sneeze sniff sniff), Lucky has been sleeping, literally everywhere.  I envy you dog, I envy you.


we're grandparents!

About a week ago, while cleaning the windows in our kitchen, I noticed that someone had made a home in our backyard.  

I decided to walk out back and check it out.  There, in our empty flower basket, was a mourning dove.. and this dove was about to be a momma! 

I decided to name her Bella, partially because of the alliteration (get it - Bella Bird) and partially because I had just finished watching Twilight Breaking Dawn that morning and it was still only mind.

Well, Bella sat happily in that nest for days.  She didn't move.  I checked on her day after day.  I even gave her some bread, figuring she had to be starving.

Today, from the kitchen, I noticed Bella was moving a lot more than usual. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs.  There I saw...

...baby Bellas!

I called John to let him know the good news...we're grandparents!  He wasn't as amused.

Congrats Bella!